Matrix Sexuality and the Harvesting of Human Spirit

Matrix Sexuality and the Harvesting of Human Spirit

Highlighting Further Social Incoherence:

The Darkness in Our Midst.

I would like to conclude this particular aspect of my writings so that I can focus on exploring more constructive energy currents and how to share them with others in the future, perhaps even the reader. However, I feel there are a few unconventional topics that I should perhaps bring to your attention first, so that we may all move forward. I would like to suggest that this may require a few more posts after this particular one. Ultimately, the aim of this blog is to increase awareness of our collective and individual processes as a dissociated species living within the constraints of an immature god’s creation. I would like to clarify that this is not to be confused with the one true God. It is challenging to highlight social incoherence and injustice without coming across as negative or repetitive. It is understandable that sharing such reflections may not be seen as a glamorous task, especially if one perceives their life through the lens of victimhood or false righteousness. For some, this may come across as an attack on their identity, which could potentially lead to negative feedback. This can often lead to misunderstandings and disagreements in everyday conversations, particularly when someone’s psyche is being challenged. It’s understandable that, whether consciously or unconsciously, they may feel the need to defend their dissociated persona. Alternatively, if you are engaged in personal growth and recognise that we are the ones who give meaning to the various narratives presented to us by the Matrix, you may choose to view my reflections as a form of shadow work. Perhaps it could be seen as a way to face the darkness that surrounds our species and have a map to navigate through the resulting turmoil, with the hope of empowering yourself in the process. I have mentioned before that we are a hyper-sexualised species, a matrix mentality that existed long before the emergence of any LGBTQ+ movement. So I suppose that this post in particular is just about that, sexuality, and how the Matrix uses it to distort the human identity and control society.


The Cost of Modern Sexual Agendas:

The Darker Motives Behind the Indoctrination of Children.

Our behaviour has been shaped by a pornographic mindset influenced by the media, social icons and an education system that currently promotes hedonistic values. Currently, our youth are being further distorted and hyper-sexualised by doctrines that threaten natural processes, distancing them from a grounded, loving existence and pushing them towards a questionable mindset. You might think that the ultimate goal of the LGBTQ+ movement is to normalise a healthy spectrum of sexual preference within the mainstream thinking of consenting adults, but sadly this is not the case. Anyone who lived through the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s can attest that there was more acceptance and inclusion in those decades than there is today. How could this be? Consider the amount of money and resources used to promote this particular form of indoctrination, especially among children. How could this have led to less inclusion? Like all modern liberal woke movements, they are quite aggressive, coercive and incoherent in their stance: if you perceive yourself as belonging to the opposite sex assigned to you at the moment of conception, this is a reality confined to your own mind, as your body and biology will indicate otherwise to everyone else, including yourself in the end. Trying to impose this reality on someone else could be seen as aggressive and coercive. I think the reader can clearly surmise, as we have discussed such things before, that this would definitely qualify as a dissociation disorder. Alas, it is not a mystery that discerning people will be able to perceive the dissonance in such important issues and reject it accordingly. There is also a new wave of programmed tendencies towards polyamory and ambiguous sexuality, which until recently was only fuelled and encouraged in universities. Apart from the destruction of the family, one of the many aims of this movement, as I have come to understand it – and as I suspect is unknown to most of the LGBTQ+ collective itself – is the normalisation of paedophilia in society. To this end, social forces have recently changed the label used to describe people with such tendencies to “minor attracted person”, are making international legislation, and are taking these teachings directly into schools where children are vulnerable.


MK Ultra Is What Is Being Done:

The Exploitation of Humans Through Trauma and Ritual Abuse.

Given the information that has come to light about parties organised by individuals such as Epstein or Puff Daddy, it is now well known in the mainstream narrative that there is systemic abuse in the entertainment industry involving young adults and minors. These parties have the power to make or break an aspiring young artist, actor, etc. on the world stage. These gatherings are attended by influential people from all walks of life, including the music industry, the fashion industry, the film industry, sports celebrities, politicians and monarchs from various countries around the world, etc. It is said that these events are recorded by covert surveillance systems as well as by handheld mobile devices, as evidenced by the endless photographs available online. Whether participation is voluntary, through coercion or manipulation, the recordings of the meetings serve as a means of blackmailing participants into agreements they might otherwise refuse, or to keep them in line. It is sad to realise that systemic abuse is allowed to flourish and is perpetrated by the very idols and role models that society would like us to embody. On the darker side of this issue, it is rumoured that these aforementioned sexual gatherings, and probably others as yet unknown to us, set the stage for the ritual abuse of children, and what they are subjected to would make most of us cringe. The long term effects of repeated abuse and trauma based mind control produce highly dissociated people, probably fragmenting their minds until the desired personalities emerge, perhaps programmed with specific goals or desires in mind. MK Ultra is what is being done to all of us, but in these cases to an extreme. The perpetrators of these abuses are almost everyone we can think of who could influence us in any way, in all aspects of high society. The scale of known personalities that have participated in such events may shock the average person who has not been aware of all this information until recently. I would like to point out to the reader that young boys in particular, who have been abused over a long period of time, end up incorporating homosexuality and abuse as part of their natural programming.

The Darkest Secret of Ritual Abuse:

The Vampiric Consumption of Human Spirit.

An even darker aspect of this particular rabbit hole is the suggestion that many of the victims do not actually survive the process. It is said that large numbers of children are ultimately sacrificed and subjected to repeated trauma in order to extract a substance known as adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). It is rumoured that this substance is extracted from the blood of a person who has been subjected to repeated trauma and torture. The theory is that the purer the spirit or soul, the higher the quality of the extracted substance. I have heard it described as ayahuasca on steroids and highly addictive, giving you an altered perception of reality, access to certain non-human entities and a host of other benefits, including an elixir of youth. There is a confirmed and patented synthetic version of this substance that is sold worldwide. However, it is rumoured that this synthetic version is nowhere near as good as the one taken directly from a human source. It is perhaps understandable, and likely, that of the millions of children who go missing each year, a high percentage may end up in this global web of sadistic ritual abuse that produces this substance for exclusive consumption. If they can do this to children, what are we to them? If anything, I would suggest that we are akin to meaningless livestock. Behind all this madness is a true vampiric species and all these blood rituals are their way of turning our kind into demonic slaves so as to do their bidding and further their inhumane agenda. By drinking this blood substance and participating in the harvest ritual, you have undeniably forsaken your true nature. It could be said that the participants are no longer truly human, if they ever were.

The Technological Womb: Humanity Replaced?

Artificial reproduction and the detachment of humanity from its nature.

Returning to the modern neoliberal sex education agenda, these hedonistic and ambiguous sexual teachings are accompanied by the dominant narrative and mass acceptance that we need to be mindful and not create new life for the survival of our planet. This mindset encourages us to connect with our sexuality on a superficial level, seeing sex merely as a source of fleeting carnal pleasure. Accompanying this stream of thought about abandoning the procreative part of the sexual process is the idea that we can leave the reproduction of the species in the hands of the global corporation or the local government. The programme that has been most successfully installed is that having offspring and raising them is an inconvenience that can only mean sacrifice, financial burden and ecological disaster for the environment. There are too many of us, they say. Are there really?  How do you know? How can you be sure? I would suggest that we are simply far too many to be easily manipulated by the current system. Until recently, it was suggested that men were dispensable in the process of creating human life; at present, so are women. Fortunately for the World Corporation, the need for a human physical womb has finally been overcome by apparent technological advances. Perhaps this has always been the case, only now they are telling us openly. It has been suggested that the world has already been repopulated by synthetic means after the last reset humanity suffered. Apparently they can now give birth to made-to-order humans without our physical help or fluids. I’m sure they’ve already collected all the samples they need through abortions and fertility treatments worldwide. Welcome to the Matrix!

Disconnecting from the Sacredness of Life: 

Abortion, Organ Harvesting, and the Modern Ethical Dilemma

It seems fair to say that as a result of a perceived decline in the moral standards associated with sexuality in mainstream society, the sexual act itself, which is a source of new life, is also viewed with a certain degree of scepticism. Making love and a new life has been stripped away from grace and beauty. This leads me to my next question: at what point do the human cells joined during the act of human procreation become a living, conscious spirit? In Western society, it has become increasingly common to have abortions up to three months. I’m not sure where this notion comes from, but I do recall that it has been suggested that it is somehow considered to have spirit from three months onwards. I have heard that in the United States, there have been instances where babies have been born at full term and then euthanised. In Spain, there is a similar proposal to normalise this practice, with legislation being drafted in some autonomous communities to this effect. I wonder if I might ask why anyone would go to the trouble of bringing a baby to full term only to terminate its life moments after birth. This gives rise to some profound questions about ethics. I regret to say, that these innocent lives are being harvested for their organs and tissues. Amongst other things, it is a question of money. Their viability hinges on whether they are alive at the time of extraction. Even at the fetal stage, they are taken alive to ensure they are suitable for harvesting. It would seem that one well-documented use for these organs and cells is to enhance the efficacy of mRNA injectables, which have been administered to many people worldwide under the pretence of promoting public health. It is a sad fact that the unborn and sometimes the newly born are sometimes used as instruments against us. It’s a rather poetic, albeit somewhat dark and twisted, turn of events. You may be of the opinion that this is a matter that concerns only women. However, as a man, I have gradually developed my own perspective on the issue. I believe that human life is sacred from the moment of conception. I believe that abortion should not be regarded as a right that a woman should fight for, in the same way that other fundamental rights such as the right to vote or equal pay are. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not entirely opposed to abortion. In certain circumstances, such as when it is the direct result of sexual abuse, especially involving a minor, it may be considered acceptable.

The Coming Revelation and Our True Nature:

Raising Vibrations Amidst Collective Shock.

I am convinced that the impact of all this information on the general public will be devastating. It must not be underestimated, which is why I am bringing it to your attention. I have gone even further, relating to what is being said regarding adrenochrome and the consequences of its extraction rituals. I have also pointed towards the normalisation of pedophilia, which is now openly being pushed forward. There is no doubt that predatory demons or vampires, if you like, are amongst us and we are idolising their ways and says. If any of our idols were ever human, they have forsaken their true nature by adopting the vampiric ways. The possibility that they have been infected by parasitic entities during their participation in these sadistic blood rituals is probable. It is time to let go of any wants or desires inspired by these questionable beings that are inspired by non human forces. As I mentioned previously, some might suggest that I am perhaps placing undue emphasis on the negative aspects of life in our particular matrix, rather than focusing on the positive. I believe there are already many people working towards achieving wellness on a global scale, as I shall be at some point in the future. There’s all kinds of Yogas, styles of Tantra, healing techniques, not to mention psychedelics plants too.  All contribution, paths, techniques, philosophies or spontaneous inspirations are welcome, provided they are helpful. Provided they take you towards achieving total coherence with yourself, all is good. However, it is not always the case that these are accompanied by the much-needed shadow work and brutal honesty that they require. Many in the public have been aware of the human trafficking issues for years and have had time to address the impact it has had on their inner system. It is heavy and dark, as they say. It is important to be aware of this information and then let it go. Take it in and digest it. Process it. It’s only a matter of time before it all comes out in the public eye, so there’s no avoiding it. Don’t ignore it! You absolutely need to feel something significant in light of all this. Our twisted idols and leaders are about to be revealed for what they are. It is no longer sustainable. When the masses are impacted by the worst of this information, you will already be on your way to dealing with it internally and can help unravel the chaos it will cause in the collective psyche. To keep the vibrations high when the collective receives a shock of any kind to its psyche will be amongst the best services a Real Human Being can do at this troublesome time. If our true nature can be referenced as Christ Consciousness then the people who are incarnating at this time and participating in these rituals could be considered Antichrist. 

Hare Om Tat Sat

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