The Loss of Faith in Modern Society.
You could say that in recent times, especially in the last three to four years, I have completely lost faith in almost every aspect of today’s modern society which is not the same as loosing faith in humankind. I discussed this in my post entitled “The Dark Night of Humanity’s Soul”. All the pillars of society are rotten to the core and are being used against us to further nefarious agendas to the detriment of our species, humanity. So I guess you could say that we are at war with an oppressive force that is largely unknown to most. As I have suggested before, I would venture to say that this opposing force is not of human nature either. What exactly it is I cannot say, but it doesn’t matter, it is enough to know that it is preying upon us and has infiltrated the collective human mind and way of life. We are being led towards an apocalyptic scenario, guided by prophecies of doom, narratives of self-hatred, violence and war. This is fuelled by the global corporations of media, telecommunications and education systems that are responsible for programming this particular narrative and sustaining the ensuing reality. Without our attention, our beliefs and our emotional charge to fuel the inhumane narrative that is being fabricated, this reality could not really be sustained. So let’s explore this a little bit further and dissect all these things that I have mentioned in previous posts.
The Plandemic as a Catalyst.
It would be safe to say that the plandemic that began in 2020 was a life-changing experience for all of our kind in general, and served as a catalyst for what we are each experiencing today. It brought out either the best or the worst in people, perhaps a bit of both for some. It certainly demonstrated the lack of compassion and empathy that certain groups and individuals in society are currently manifesting. It even showed that certain collectives do not play by the same rules. Certain sections of society were also seen to be mockingly enjoying all the pain and misery caused by the whole experience, which they helped to perpetrate. Other collectives are also accused of implicitly benefiting financially from it all. All in all, the extent to which our species has become isolated, agnostic and motivated by financial reasons, as well as the fear of death itself, has become apparent. I would even argue that at the same time it has revealed our benevolent nature. I know this sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. Aside from our adversary and the people and forces that have manifested his will, the silent majority of humanity have been tricked or coerced into harming themselves and others for the greater good. If a fraction of that majority truly thought they were doing the greater good for the betterment of all humanity, then there is hope for us all, regardless of the deception and subsequent consequences taken from there. They were just naive and misguided. There’s no shame in making mistakes. Let’s own them and move on.
Unmasking Hidden Forces.
Whether you call it Archons, inorganic beings, reptilian aliens, demons, or give it a name like Satan, Iblis or Wetiko, the force that controls human society is of non-human origin. It is from this force that this inhuman mindset and deceitful way of dealing with life has been programmed into us from birth, keeping us bound as karmic slaves to the corporate matrix. In a way we could say that this is the part of the Universal Mind, at least in the manifested realm, that chose or was inspired to fall when the desire to experiment with the suppression of sentience spontaneously arose. For a human being to suppress their sentience would be tantamount to suppressing the feminine aspect of Spirit. This is not to be confused with the separation of the Shiva and Shakti archetypes involved in the original act of creation, but rather the desire to experiment with creation suppressing the Shakti principle and its creative life force. Perhaps this is an inevitable consequence of the universal dance and separation of the two cosmic forces. A fragment that chose to disconnect from the pain of separation during the act of creation itself. This is so beautifully illustrated by the women of our society who choose to embody motherhood in different ways. While some women say that giving birth is the most beautiful orgasmic experience ever, other women claim that it is a stressful and painful experience that requires chemical or surgical intervention to help them bypass the sensations of giving birth. In essence it is neither good nor bad, it is simply a universal spontaneous inspirations to learn from the perspective of a particular prism.
Prophecies and Social Engineering.
Among the many inhuman narratives currently being fed to us is the inevitability of war. There’s the threat of a looming world war on the international stage, given what’s happening in Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. At the same time, there’s the threat of engineered civil unrest and violence in many other countries. These internal clashes are fuelled by the dissatisfaction of citizens in Western societies with the political establishment on issues ranging from mass illegal immigration to human rights and the environment. The effects of the culture clash that has been created, using woke activism coupled with the unlawful mass illegal immigration being forced upon the US and Europe as the determining factors. I have previously discussed that the ultimate purpose of woke ideology, as it is commonly known, is to create more division and confusion in society rather than to raise awareness of important issues. I have observed that these particular ideologies fuel an imprint of self-hatred in our collective subconscious, unbeknownst to most. Sometimes this self-hatred and hatred of our species is conscious and justified, especially for those who are immersed in these ideologies. Illegal mass immigration also contributes to the culture clash brewing around the world. Inspired by the ideology of open borders, human trafficking is at an all-time high because of this, which in theory should ring alarm bells for feminists and other collectives who wish to defend human rights. Amongst the innocent people who have fled dire situations in their home countries, various elements of discord have been and are being reshuffled on the world stage. These elements include religious extremists, woke activists, mercenary forces and outright violent criminals who are turning once liveable cities into hellholes, making them unsafe for children, women and the elderly alike. The social engineering that is taking place is to fulfil and manipulate events worldwide that have been foretold in various prophecies available to the collective from old. From the stories of indigenous cultures, to the official texts of the major world religions, to the prophetic visions foretold by occultists such as Nostradamus, all converge in a final narrative of the struggle between good and evil. A story of suffering, loss and death for the unbelievers, while select righteous groups bask in the supposed glory of the aftermath. All of our kind, regardless of ethnicity, nationality or religion, should understand that they are being used as pawns in a twisted apocalyptic vision that is being orchestrated and controlled.
Rediscovering Our Shared Humanity and Unity.
Unfortunately, modern societies and “new world culture” have been manipulating humanity with trauma-based mind control for far too long, wanting us to remain divided, ignorant and fearful of anything different from ourselves. This means that we have all been damaged in some way. We can all but learn and grow as the alternative could be equated to a life empty of purpose, meaning and real beauty. Fortunately, when you travel and live in different parts of the world, you meet people of different ethnicities, nationalities, and religions. I feel very fortunate in that sense. Of course, I haven’t been everywhere, and I don’t know them all, but I’ve met enough people from different backgrounds to know certain things. It doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, asian or any other ethnicity. It doesn’t even matter what religion or belief system you belong to. If you meet enough people from all over the world, you realise that we are more alike than we are different. Of course, depending on local customs, our nationality, and religion can create a backdrop of cultural differences, but these can be worked through with respect, patience and an open mind. It is actually quite enriching to get to know other cultures and their customs, as it certainly opens our minds, as they say, as well as our taste buds. The average person on this planet today just wants to live a good, healthy life, to be happy and to be able to contribute to life in some way. Nothing more, nothing less. That is actually a universal idea, I would say. Unless a person has been overly traumatised, most people want to live a quiet life without feeling the need to hurt other people. If we allow ourselves to look beyond all the judgement and fear that has been programmed into us, we can see the beauty and uniqueness in everyone, regardless of the colour of their skin, eyes, or hair. It is more about the content of their character, as Martin Luther King once said. Can you imagine a world where we all look the same? Can you imagine a world without different cultures? All the same music all the same food. How boring would that be?
Historical Manipulation and Technological Regression.
Imagine the lengths to which they have gone to create the scenes and polarisation we are all witnessing today. We could surmise that this plan has been in the making since the beginning of our present history in the early 20th century, or perhaps even a little further back, since the last time humanity was supposedly reset. It has been suggested that this may have taken place somewhere between the early 17th century and the late 18th century. There’s evidence that in the not so distant past, humanity had access to advanced electricity and technology, as well as architectural grandeur. It also suggests that these civilizations and technologies were not toxic to the environment or human health. Although I do not want to go into this subject in this article, as there is too much to cover, I bring it up to give the reader an idea of how long this plan has been in the making. Understand that our history has been altered to erase from the collective mental framework all traces of the existence of civilizations and technologies prior to our current era, only to reintroduce adulterated toxic technology and lifestyle in their place. This, among other things, calls into question everything that has been told by the official mainstream historians of our time. This has cast a shadow of doubt on topics ranging from the age of the dinosaurs to the evolution of our species. It also questions the historical narrative of events and timeline structures including; our ancient and classical history, the Dark Ages, the discovery of Africa and the New World and their subsequent conquests, and so on. Even the timeline of some, if not all, of the events related in the New Testament has been shown to have been altered in some way.
The Suppression of Sentience and the Feminine Aspect.
What would be the purpose of all this ongoing manipulation and coercion? What is it being done for? I suspect that depending on which side of the scale you want to place yourself on, you might come up with different answers to this question, depending on your particular polarisation. You might be influenced by one side or the other. Good or evil, the just or the unjust, the patriots or the communists, and so on. All of these archetypes are designed to keep our species locked into the Matrix and its karmic loops. However, I would like to suggest a third alternative, using the analogy given earlier of the fragmentation that manifested as a consequence of the initial act of creation. At some point, the manifested Universal Consciousness and Creation herself wish to reunite and merge fully, so that they themselves may embody throughout all dimensions of Creation, that which is beyond all and unknowable, the true God. In essence, the divine aspect or god, if you will, that was inspired to experience Creation, suppresses the feminine aspect of the Universal Self and lacks the means to infuse its creation with divine spirit. The power of creation would be devoid of any essence without the feminine aspect inspiring the act. This is why this particular god feeds on our energy, using the means at his disposal to parasitically expand his creation. I would like you to entertain the idea that in order to bring this god into alignment, there would have to be an embodiment on a collective level of a higher aspect of existence manifesting in his own realm. In other words, this god will not bow down to anything unless a higher truth is presented to it, thus completing and transcending this particular path and realigning with the Manifested Divine.
The Path to Transcendence.
As I said at the end of the introduction, without our attention, our beliefs and our emotional charge to fuel the inhumane narrative that is being fabricated, this reality could not really be sustained. Focus on your inner world at this time, focus your energy and attention on finding your inner peace. It is your choice what to focus on and give power to. Focusing on the outer madness and hoping that someone else will come along and save the day is at best a fruitless task.Let me also go back three or four years and tell you how I experienced the events that unfolded. For me, everything that happened after and during the plandemic was disruptive and ultimately catalysed me to face my anger along with whatever else was underneath it. My anger was the key element holding me back from fully embracing my empathic nature. I had always been at odds with what I felt from the world at large, and had also personalised the experience many times through the prism of victimhood. So I was angry for that and more. I have always made it my work to unravel what was keeping my vibration low and I was finally able to see myself from a clearer perspective in the context of all the madness manifested in the world. You could say that I finally accepted myself in all my facets and my anger as well. It wasn’t as quick and easy as I write in the article, because this was the culmination of a certain part of my own unfolding. Once we fully integrate an understanding of our sentient nature, we come to understand what compassion really means and why our species is in pain. You come to understand that all of humanity is suffering from the same wound that causes us to dissociate from our true nature. Recognising and integrating this part of our existential essence is paramount to our own empowerment and survival in these times. The road to the heart is full of aches, pain and hardship. There’s no escaping sentience. In order to break free from the clutches of our particular imprisonment we must all set the female aspect of our spirit free, begin the healing and reintegration with the male aspect in oder to reignite the flame of the eternal spirit in our hearts. In this realm there is no true outer peace without transcending the inner war. There is no access to true Love without going through pain first. So we manifest peace and love on earth by embodying it and transcending the path and prism of this particular god.
Hare Om Tat Sat