This ‘New World Age‘ is to be devoid of magic and meaning.
Our arrival and departure from this earthly plane of existence are considered amongst the most important events in our lives and have their own rites of passage associated with them in all worldly cultures. It seems that the societal design being implemented in this ‘New World Age‘ is to be devoid of magic and meaning in relation to life, death and, subsequently, anything related. Have you ever been unable to see something until someone or a specific circumstance pointed it out to you at the right time? You might not be receiving any new information, but the circumstances and the synchronicity of a specific moment serve as a catalyst that creates physiological changes in your system. A new understanding, an upgrade, you could call it. I had one such experience while I was reading one of Osho’s books years back, “From Medication to Meditation,” I think it was. He comments on how the western medical establishment’s protocols during birth were far from heart-warming or welcoming and were actually quite traumatic for a newly born baby. Those were not his exact words, but the message he gave was along those lines and had a profound effect on me.
Rites of Passage? What’s that?
Rites of passage? What’s that? you might ask. .Rites of passage are important personal and communal events that bring people together to rejoice, honour, and celebrate, as well as to provide support during specific events that happen within a community. The celebration of a newlywed couple is an example of this, as would be a birth or a death. The passing from childhood into adulthood is another instance where children, once puberty is reached, would pass from their mother’s care to be initiated as men or women of their tribe. The boys would begin to sit with the men, and the girls would do the same with the women. Boys would learn about masculine-related matters from the men, and the girls would learn about their femininity from their corresponding elders. Even though most western tribal customs have been lost with the passing of time, there are still cultures that have kept such traditions alive, and so we have the possibility to recover what was lost.
Osho’s take on birth
I have probably read more of Osho’s books than I can actually remember. Osho makes a reference to how a baby, before birth, is in a dark, warm, loving place, where it feels the connection and protection of its mother in and around itself. He then goes on to describe the typical western protocol where the babies are pulled out of their mothers’ wombs into a brightly lit, cold room. The umbilical connection would then be severed straight away, the newborn being hung upside down and smacked into a breathable existence. What a welcome! I was between laughter and tears imagining this. I found what Osho was relating to be funny, but at the same time, it was a sad scene to imagine. He believed that a newly born would benefit from being brought into a dimly lit, warm room where the connection to the mother was not severed immediately. Instead, the baby was laid on the mother’s chest so that it could feel the connection through her warmth and heartbeat once outside. They would then wait for the baby to start breathing on its own before cutting the umbilical cord and severing the connection with the mother. Unless there are specific complications at birth, I do feel this would be a more beneficial protocol to follow, more in line with what doulas do in modern society.
We likely have a recipe for all kinds of future health problems.
Recent events have added to the horrors of childbirth in general. I’ve heard many horrendous stories that would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. I can’t personally corroborate all of the stories I heard, but seeing what we’ve been seeing, I don’t believe them to be exaggerations. Mothers who have had their scheduled entry into a hospital for a birth denied because they refused to be coerced into submitting to the new protocols. Mothers are asked to wear a diaper on their face before, during, and after birth. Not to mention the constant barrage of PCR tests that both the mother and child are subjected to while they are at the hospital. I even heard that a mother was denied contact with her baby because the PCR test given to her after birth was positive. Never mind that the previous three were negative. The baby and mother were then to be separated until the test came back negative. If I do remember correctly, they were separated for around two weeks. Add all this to the violent and cold existing medical protocols, and we likely have a recipe for all kinds of future health problems in this and other generations to come.
Families were denied access to their loved ones
After a lifetime of fulfilling their duties to their families and system, we have abandoned our elders in their hour of need. We have allowed the stately medical-paranoia and doctrines as well as their economic interests, to condition how we relate to our loved ones and to the community at large. In this day and age, like our young, most of the elderly tend to be a little out of touch with society in general, are impressionable and are more easily manipulated. Because of this, the elderly were amongst the most likely candidates to adopt the new world doctrine of fear. Don’t hug or kiss your loved ones, or anyone for that matter, or you might die. Wear a muzzle on your face all day and all night, or you might die. Have five vaccines in the space of two years, or you might die. On top of that, during and after the lockdowns, families were denied access to their loved ones whilst the threat of death was taking centre stage. If it wasn’t the protocols themselves, the lack of proper “medical attention” that finished with their lives, it was the general feeling of fear and abandonment.
I think that we can all agree.
It doesn’t matter what culture you are from, what religion you follow, or what set of beliefs you uphold, I think that we can all agree that this last step in our lives, our death, is far from insignificant. It deserves the respect that it deserves, before and after the fact. Two of the most beautiful moments of our existence have been turned into violent and fearful events. We are allowing societal norms to desecrate the magic, the rites of passage surrounding life and death, which, in essence, are the same thing and all related. You come to realise the uttermost importance of ritualising our lives, to give them meaning and direction. Rituals and rites of passage can be used to physically anchor our relationships to Divinity, our ancestors, our planet, and so on. We deserve both a loving and warm welcome into this plane of existence, as we also deserve to exit with dignity, peace, and love.
I would have liked to have held my grandfathers hand during his recent passing.
I would have liked to have held my grandfathers hand during his recent passing. I would of liked to have been there for him through what should have been a peaceful and natural process. I would have liked to have been there for him and support him if the process hadn’t been so peaceful. Like he was there for me, for most of my life, rain or sunshine. Instead the events leading to his precipitated death, where riddled with medical protocols, negligence, deceit and fear to say the least. This is now something that my family system will have to deal with on the whole and each member heal in their own time. I can only speak for myself at this point, but the systemic abuse has reached a tipping point for me. I just hope and pray that we all stand up for ourselves as a race, in unity, before they take more of our family members away before due time.
It is for the loved ones we have lost that I write these words. To honour and preserve the wisdom and Love we inherited. To evolve, transmute and reach beyond the healed wounds of our heritage, so that we can leave our offspring a slightly more sane and beautiful world.
Hare Om Tat Sat
Save humanity